2019 Schnalstal
2019 Schnalstal (It)
2019 Schnalstal (It)
From May 29 to June 1, 2019, the flint symposium took place at archeoParc Val Senales in Italy. https://www.archeoparc.it/ It Hosted by Wulf Hein (Germany) and Johanna Niederkofler (archeoParc), the participants had the privilege of being hosted near the renowned site where Ötzi was discovered. An excursion to Val di Non provided an opportunity for participants to collect diverse samples of biancone flint and indulge in the culinary specialties of the region. The knapping activities were held in the open-air section of the museum, attracting knappers from various parts of Europe. Little did anyone know at that time that it would be the last symposium for almost three years.